Practice Contacts

Practice Contacts allows you to manage your list of contacts used within the practice, which we use for a few things within the system.

To summarize:

  • You can use it as a general list of your practice contacts to keep on hand
  • We use practice contacts fax numbers when you fax a referral source (more information: Faxing a Referral Source)
  • We now use practice contacts for the client referral source (more information: Client Referral Source)

Practice Contacts: Menu

To view your list of Practice Contacts, click the Practice Contacts left-hand menu item.

The system lists your existing Practice Contacts here. You can click on each link to view their advanced profile, including additional fields seen below:

Create a New Practice Contact

Use the right-hand blue menu button [+New] to create a new contact:

You can also use the search filter beneath that if you have a list of practice contacts.